Amiga MA Magazine 1998 #3
000174_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sun Nov 16 00:52:13 1997.msg
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From: "Alastair Murray" <malcolm.murray@virgin.net>
Organization: Muzzasoft/Microplanet Games
Date: 16 Nov 97 03:44:42 +0000
Subject: Re: Modem Games with AMOS?
Message-Id: <346E6C2A.MD-0.196.malcolm.murray@virgin.net>
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> Is it possible to make modem games with AMOS? So you could play up to say, 8 or 16 people at once?
> I think that would KICK, although, perhaps thats just my warped sence of humor.
This is the sort of game that I'm VERY interested in making.
I think a really good original internet amiga game would be great.
I was going to suggest it when the next amos-list project comes up
after bubba.
I'd be more than happy to do most of the actual game code, the only
thing I'm not sure about is how you go about sending/recieving
internet information but if it was a group project i'm sure someone
knows how to handle this sort of thing.
Doesn't exactly answer your question... but just letting people know
I'd be in for this sort of thing if other people are too.
\\|// Alastair Murray
(o o) malcolm.murray@virgin.net
| AMINET |Web-Page (Amiga/Games/AMOS/trek/Music/ |
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|game/jump/Banana Islands|http://freespace.virgin.net/malcolm.murray|
| game/shoot/Hanger18 |Current Projects: >Chaos 2 |
| dev/amos/keystate | >Kill Em All >Hanger 18 II |
| dev/amos/picpack | >Skool Daze >The Crow |
| game/shoot/traitor | >Banana Islands |
| game/shoot/extinct | >The Turtleminator |
| game/jump/blobby | >Backbone - The Game Creator |